Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sorry bout the time lapse

So it's been a minute since we shared our favourite things with all the people on the world wide web (or at least the ppl who read our blog), and we apologize. We make no excuses, but we've been kinda busy. Between workin out and champagne showers, the two of us have been working hard at boostin our AQ (Awesome Quotient), i Know i know.... How could Ariaan and Senal possibly become more awesome?, but we all have room for improvement:P.
One of our favourite things is staying in shape, Senal makes sure that he stays lean and ripped, and i'm doin my best to play varsity basketball in college. So we spend a fair amount of time: researching, working out, hitting the ball court, and eating right. One thing thats kinda hard on this island is figuring out whats ok to eat and what isn't. So here's what we've come up with. (Note: gauging ethnic food can be difficult so this is just what we think, and we're usually right :) ).

First they're a couple of general rules that apply across the board,
1. Drink plenty of water, like a lot. Its got a boat load of health benefits, including fat reduction and helping your body process protein. Plus you'll get a lot less head aches and colds.
2.Eat most your carbohydrates earlier on in the day, before 4-5pm, and most of your protein later on. Avoid eating after 8pm if possible, opt for a lot of fluids instead (keep in mind that you might get up to pee a couple of times :P)
3. Eat plenty of GOOD fats, like fish oils and avacado. They keep you full and are actually good for you. Dairy fats are ok for guys, not to good for girls.
4. If its a fruit or a vegetable, go ahead and pig out:)
5. Eat according to your activity level, if you're gonna have a super busy day, eat more carbohydrates guilt free, but if you're not goin to be movin much then stick to protein, fruits and veggies.

The good thing bout living in SL, is fruits are pretty easy to come by. At the same time most of the food is pretty starchy, and so adds to your body fat real quickly. There's a real simple fix, load up on the curries and cut down on your rice servings, after like a day or two you won't even miss it. Opt for lighter starches,like string hoppers, or hoppers instead of heavier starches, like paratas and egg rotti (Moiz we're talkin to you), If you've had an active day then you can probably get away with kottu:).

Apart from starch, you'll wanna watch your sugar intake. There's a lot of sugar in deserts and drinks so make an effort to either avoid them, or cut your sugar intake DRASTICALLY.
Apart from that, just stay active and maybe, just maybe, you'll be awesome like us:P
Another one of our favourite things are Jockey Sports Performance Underwear and Calvein Klein X underwear, but we'll give you that post in a bit:).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Shorts to a party

Occasionally someone will say something, something which will change the way you view the world forever. Someone will utter words so profound  that they redefine us as ppl. Abe Lincoln did it, Martin Luther King did it and  Last night, at about 9p.m., I looked at Senal and added my name to the pantheon of verbal masters, by saying to Senal: "The ladies love us, cause we wore shorts". Senal looked at me, and with a calm expression on his face he screamed "SHORTS SHORTS SHORTS SHORTS". It was, and i'm sure you agree,beautiful.
As you may have been able to workout on your own, we wore shorts to a party last night, and it was a revelation. Wearing shorts allows a freedom that jeans just don't, your calves can breathe, you get to show off all that time you spent doing squats, and the dancing creates a pleasant cooling draft in your.....uh.... nether regions;P. AND you're just bad ass:)
The whole thing just works.
Another one of our favourite things, good BBQ sauce, courtesy of our large nosed host, Chapa "The Hobbit man" Kurruparachi (Who had an incident involving a certain "best friend" which ranks high on our list of favourite things, but that's a whole other blog post:P)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Full days.

All to often you go through the day with absolutely nothin goin on. You wake up, go back to sleep, wake up, stare at the roof, go back to sleep, wake up, play tekken, make breakfast, remember you've gotta brush your teeth, and ,while Colgate foams from your mouth, you look in the mirror and say to yourself "Wow, i really am classically handsome" (ok maybe the last one is just us). The point is as fun as these days are, it's nice to have that occasional day where you're real busy, where every moment is spent in giddy excitement. You wake up, and you wrestle a crocodile, then you go read to children in a hospital, after that you go for a concert, and top it all off by saving a Brazilian super model from a burning building and she thanks you by agreeing to date you for a year and a half. (You may have noticed, we like Brazilian super models).  The day i just described is..... never gonna happen. But if it did, i'd definitely write bout it. Anyway, Full days, one of our favourite things.
FYI Lemon chicken rules.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Power,money & Royalty are the only goals to be sought

Senal & Ariaan's Fav. Gang/Mafia Movies :)

Seriously nothing better than films based on the themes of money,power, honor,betrayal,revenge,etc. Here's a list and a short review of our favorite gang/mafia/mob movies. 

Green Street Hooligans

A wrongfully expelled Harvard undergrad moves to London, where he is introduced to the violent underworld of football hooliganism.


An update of the 1932 film, Scarface (1983) follows gangster Tony Montana and his close friend Manny Ray from their trip on the Cuban Boat Lift for refugees to their arrival in Miami. After killing a powerful Cuban figure, Montana and company gain the ability to leave their refugee camps and roam around the U.S. After unsuccessfully trying to make it legitamately in the country, Montana and Ray resort to selling cocaine to dealers around the world. Tony's rise is quick, but as he becomes more powerful, his enemies and his own paranoia begin to plague his empire.

Crows Zero (1&2)

The movie tells the untold story behind the characters in Suzuran, a violent high school.


The film follows Hiroshi, a junior-high school student who transfers from a decent school, to a school with a large number of yankees (basically badly behaved kids in gangs) in order to become a yankee himself. The story then follows his progression within the gang he joins, and the fights that ensue with rival gangs


The story of Irish-Italian American, Henry Hill, and how he lives day-to-day life as a member of the Mafia. Based on a true story, the plot revolves around Henry and his two unstable friends Jimmy and Tommy as they gradually climb the ladder from petty crime to violent murders.

The Godfather Trilogy

The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's life the nature of the family business becomes clear. The business of the family is just like the head of the family, kind and benevolent to those who give respect, but given to ruthless violence whenever anything stands against the good of the family. Don Vito lives his life in the way of the old country, but times are changing and some don't want to follow the old ways and look out for community and "family". An up and coming rival of the Corleone family wants to start selling drugs in New York, and needs the Don's influence to further his plan. The clash of the Don's fading old world values and the new ways will demand a terrible price, especially from Michael, all for the sake of the family. 

Reviews from

Monday, June 27, 2011

Darth Vader Black

you've gotta be fly. we do our level best to stay fresh to death, cause you never know when someones gonna snap your picture, or when you'll bump into Ms.Right (at least Ms. Right-now), or when Anna Wintour is gonna want you for the cover of her magazine (she runs Vogue. just FYI), or when they'll be a massive world wide zombie attack and the only ppl they won't eat are the ones who exhibit a high level of, how'd you say?, Fresh-to-death-ness?
(ignore the fact that my examples are becomin less and less likely. I got hit in the head at bball today and i'm not myself). The point i'm trying to get to, Darth Vader Black is a colour that will always make you look BAD (in a GOOD way), can't go wrong when you're rocking all black everythin, black watch black shades all black everything  (sorry, couldn't resist quoting Jay-Z, HOVA). Darth Vader Black, one of our favourite things:). May the force be with you.
Ariaan Addition- Favourite Darth Vader quotes- "I find your lack of faith.... disturbing" "Use your hate, fuel it" "No Luke, I am your Father".

Sunday, June 26, 2011

SO... abs...

The other day, i was at the pool (shades, flip-flops, no shirt, tanning. Swimming just isn't.... my thing), and this Brazilian Super Model walks up to me and she's like "Wow! you're in great shape, i'd love to have you in my next photo shoot". Ok that didn't happen. BUT, one time i was surfing the aisle at the grocery store,  debating whether i should get the pink tic-tacs or the orange ones (that's the question that keeps me up most nights) and , out of no-where, this Brazilian Super Model walks up to me and says "Wow! you seem really toned, make a muscle". Ayt, that didn't happen either. BUT i do love to workout, and right now the exercise that i'm really enjoying , and has pretty good results, are plyometric workouts (shout out to the salad man). They boost your leg power (so you get to fly like LeBron, and if you don't know who LeBron is you really shouldn't be reading this. No really. Leave now), they remove body fat so you get to flash the abs, and they cut stress (Endorphin rush anyone?). So if you wanna get your SITUATION on, or just wanna boost your athleticism, do a couple of plyometric workouts a week. Definitely one of our favourite things. You might just get hit on by a Brazilian Super Model :P.

Go here and the link below to get a really good idea bout plyometrics

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Underrated Album #1

Ok...maybe Travis barker is a bit overrated (he may no be the "world’s best drummer" when there is John Bonham,Yoshiki etc.) but his first solo record album “Give the drummer some” deserves way more credit then it gets.
Give the drummer some is def. our favourite album RIGHT NOW!!
Senal’s personal fav. track - If you want to,Just Chill & Knockin
Ariaan’s - Can a Drummer Get Some? , etc.
Plus the mohawk is badass, and he's gotta be the coolest dad ever:)
so go give the drummer some:P

BOSE. easily one of our favourite things. You've all been there: you've got that neighbour that decides they should play techno all night on a tuesday, you know that one lady that goes on and on bout how well her kid is doing in school (How many "best hand writing" awards can a 5year old candy addict with a slight obsession with running into walls possibly win?), and you've got that friend that decides he wants to play bass for a symphonic death metal band and wants to play his music for you (Aliyy Moiz, i'm talkin to you). The solution for all of these day to day predicaments? BOSE headphones. They block out the world beautifully. Really Really under-rated.  Couple of other good headphones out there, but for now the one that makes the list of Ariaan and Senals Favourite things are BOSE around ear headphones

CNN freedom project

Changing the tone for a bit. CNN freedom project, much respect.
one of our favourite things

Arun imitating Girls

Our blog has been online less than two hours an arun has already featured twice. This is wrong. very wrong. But he does a very good girl imitation, especially when he's in  a bad mood. No video footage yet. sorry. but we'll try and get some as soon as we can. But for now just know that his imitations are on our list of favourite things.


Two Favourite Watches,
Senal likes:

Ariaan throws up:
I Love Orange. You know who you are:P

Lets get rid of the obvious

So we got this friend Arun, real nice guy (gonna tread carefully around him today, cause Steve Jobs didn't email him back and he's pretty sad). Arun is our very own tech guru, and he's madly in love with Melinda. Melinda is his iPhone 4. Although his obsession makes him an easy target for many of our really smart jokes, we gotta admit. Melinda...sorry meant to type... the iPhone 4 is definitely on our list of favourite things.

arguably coolest piece of art ever?

This artwork is pure genius and fully worthy of our first post.
Loving it at so may levels, i mean who come up with this?
Kudos to the artist, plus mad love.