Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sorry bout the time lapse

So it's been a minute since we shared our favourite things with all the people on the world wide web (or at least the ppl who read our blog), and we apologize. We make no excuses, but we've been kinda busy. Between workin out and champagne showers, the two of us have been working hard at boostin our AQ (Awesome Quotient), i Know i know.... How could Ariaan and Senal possibly become more awesome?, but we all have room for improvement:P.
One of our favourite things is staying in shape, Senal makes sure that he stays lean and ripped, and i'm doin my best to play varsity basketball in college. So we spend a fair amount of time: researching, working out, hitting the ball court, and eating right. One thing thats kinda hard on this island is figuring out whats ok to eat and what isn't. So here's what we've come up with. (Note: gauging ethnic food can be difficult so this is just what we think, and we're usually right :) ).

First they're a couple of general rules that apply across the board,
1. Drink plenty of water, like a lot. Its got a boat load of health benefits, including fat reduction and helping your body process protein. Plus you'll get a lot less head aches and colds.
2.Eat most your carbohydrates earlier on in the day, before 4-5pm, and most of your protein later on. Avoid eating after 8pm if possible, opt for a lot of fluids instead (keep in mind that you might get up to pee a couple of times :P)
3. Eat plenty of GOOD fats, like fish oils and avacado. They keep you full and are actually good for you. Dairy fats are ok for guys, not to good for girls.
4. If its a fruit or a vegetable, go ahead and pig out:)
5. Eat according to your activity level, if you're gonna have a super busy day, eat more carbohydrates guilt free, but if you're not goin to be movin much then stick to protein, fruits and veggies.

The good thing bout living in SL, is fruits are pretty easy to come by. At the same time most of the food is pretty starchy, and so adds to your body fat real quickly. There's a real simple fix, load up on the curries and cut down on your rice servings, after like a day or two you won't even miss it. Opt for lighter starches,like string hoppers, or hoppers instead of heavier starches, like paratas and egg rotti (Moiz we're talkin to you), If you've had an active day then you can probably get away with kottu:).

Apart from starch, you'll wanna watch your sugar intake. There's a lot of sugar in deserts and drinks so make an effort to either avoid them, or cut your sugar intake DRASTICALLY.
Apart from that, just stay active and maybe, just maybe, you'll be awesome like us:P
Another one of our favourite things are Jockey Sports Performance Underwear and Calvein Klein X underwear, but we'll give you that post in a bit:).

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